viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

A look at the constellations

Is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac. Aries is a seasonally associated with spring and according to the astrologers represents a strong something creative thrust and powerful expression of energy.

Is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac. Taurus has been seasonally associated with the flourish of spring, when the Earth is green and fresh.

Is the third astrological sign in the Zodiac. Gemini is linked with the 'element of air' wich represents the mental and social realms, the ability to formulate abstracts ideas and to effectively interpret symbols.

Is the fourt astrological sign in the Zodiac. It is considered a water sign and one of four cardinal signs.

Is the fifth astrological sign in the Zodiac. Leo is considered to be a 'masculine', it is also considered a fire signand is one of four fixed signs.

Is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac. Virgo is seasonally asociated with the end of summer and the onset of autumn when nature having borne its fruit recedes into conservation.

Is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. Libra is considered a masculine, positive sign and it is also considered an air sign and is one of four cardinal signs.

Is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac. People born with the sun in Scorpio are very determined, reserved, tenacious and secretive.

By Francisca O.

12 comentarios:

  1. I liked the name you put the blog :D and the information is short but good. Congratulations classmates :D!

    Constanza Guzmán. 3°E.

  2. Good Blog. I liked and the name is very interesting!
    Good job!

    Katherine Acevedo 3ºD

  3. I like this blog , the title is very original .
    Cynthia Vargas 3º E

  4. original name, good pictures and it's very interesting. I like it :D !!

    Constanza Lorena Escobar Salas III°D

  5. I really liked this blog entry. The pictures are very clear and didactic.


    Geraldine Rojas Valdivieso 3ºD

  6. I like the structure of your blog, is very striking. And the information is good. Thanks :)
    Now, I love more the astronomy ;)
    The name is original
    Paula Farías 3°D

  7. This blog is very interesting, thank you!

    Eva Díaz, 3°E.

  8. very nice and interesting your blog
    the name is very original :)
    Pamela Briones 3ºD

  9. I really liked the blog name, very creative!, also the brief but information is most important is what each sign :)

    Nicole Valdés 3ºD

  10. good information and nice pictures!

    Ana María Sánchez - 3rdE

  11. I liked this blog, have pretty colors and pictures are very good and specific.
    The information is very good because it is accurate
    good job!

    Paola Acevedo Plaza 3°D
